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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What can I bring?
    Finger food, something to drink, yourselves.
  • Should I tell Joanne?
    No. That would spoil the surprise.
  • What time did you say? I wrote it down somewhere, but, you know.
    Arrival time is between 7.30 and 8.30 pm. Entrance through the basement via the gate in the alley.
  • What's the address again? I guess I lost it.
    A nut street, Vancouver
  • I thought I'd come early, at around 7pm. Is that ok?
    No. That would spoil the surprise.
  • I don't think I can make it. Should I call Joanne and apologize in advance?
    No. That would spoil the surprise.
  • What if I email her instead of calling, then?
    No. That would...
  • I could text her. Should I text her?
    Look. What part of the word "surprise" do you not understand? This should help. The OED says "Surprise: To 'take hold of' or affect suddenly or unexpectedly."
  • So we're going to take hold of Joanne unexpectedly?
    No. Not literally. For crying out loud.
  • Shouldn't that be "effect", not "affect"?
  • Why not?
    I'm not going to answer that.
  • I see that The OED also says that surprise means "To assail or attack suddenly and without warning." Are we going to assail and attack Joanne? Because I don't think...
    No. You're not going to assail or attack Joanne.
  • What does "assail" mean?
  • Well, that's a surprise.
    That's not even a question.
    RSVP, with a number I could text you at. If I can figure out how to send a mass text, I'll text you on the night to give you exciting updates. Perhaps from the other side of the curtain. With your phones on silent. Not even vibrate.
  • Sorry, I'm still confused. Should I tell Joanne?
    No. Do not tell Joanne.
  • Could you post all the details on Facebook, please? That would be a big help.
    No. No it wouldn't. Can you guess why? But seriously, everybody, RSVP!
  • Shouldn't that be "RSVP, please"?
    No. RSVP means respond, please. You're already saying "please." Otherwise you're saying Respond Please, Please. That's just stupid.
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