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Frequently Asked Questions
What can I bring?Finger food, something to drink, yourselves.
Should I tell Joanne?No. That would spoil the surprise.
What time did you say? I wrote it down somewhere, but, you know.Arrival time is between 7.30 and 8.30 pm. Entrance through the basement via the gate in the alley.
What's the address again? I guess I lost it.A nut street, Vancouver
I thought I'd come early, at around 7pm. Is that ok?No. That would spoil the surprise.
I don't think I can make it. Should I call Joanne and apologize in advance?No. That would spoil the surprise.
What if I email her instead of calling, then?No. That would...
I could text her. Should I text her?Look. What part of the word "surprise" do you not understand? This should help. The OED says "Surprise: To 'take hold of' or affect suddenly or unexpectedly."
So we're going to take hold of Joanne unexpectedly?No. Not literally. For crying out loud.
Shouldn't that be "effect", not "affect"?No.
Why not?I'm not going to answer that.
I see that The OED also says that surprise means "To assail or attack suddenly and without warning." Are we going to assail and attack Joanne? Because I don't think...No. You're not going to assail or attack Joanne.
What does "assail" mean?THIS FORUM IS NOW CLOSED. ADMIN.
Well, that's a surprise.That's not even a question.
FINALLY:RSVP, with a number I could text you at. If I can figure out how to send a mass text, I'll text you on the night to give you exciting updates. Perhaps from the other side of the curtain. With your phones on silent. Not even vibrate.
Sorry, I'm still confused. Should I tell Joanne?No. Do not tell Joanne.
Could you post all the details on Facebook, please? That would be a big help.No. No it wouldn't. Can you guess why? But seriously, everybody, RSVP!
Shouldn't that be "RSVP, please"?No. RSVP means respond, please. You're already saying "please." Otherwise you're saying Respond Please, Please. That's just stupid.
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