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Curriculum Vitae 


Galiano Island and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada




All the Broken Things. Vancouver, Anvil Press, 2019.


Capilano Review 2:33: blewointment press: My Father's Afterlife np
Antigonish Review 83: Three Poems: Cromwell's Prayer; Angels of the Air; Spoils of War. 28-31.
Antigonish Review 84: Three Poems: In a Place of Many Paths; Paths Meet in the Place of Death; Sum     Over Histories. 
Geist 28 110: Grief.
Geist 28 113: The Woman Who Talks To Her Dog On The Beach, 14.
Geist 28 116:  Three Poems: All the Broken Things: Looming, Traffic Reports in Strange Cities, One     Day 35-7.
Crank 1: My Mother's Haunting, 46-8.
subTerrain 8 87: Because of the Current Situation, 29.
subTerrain 3 27. The Way Things Are, 21.


David C, Kopaska ed. 2020 Rhysling Anthology. Kenallville; Science Fiction and Fantasy Association     2020. The Woman Who Talks to Her Dog On The Beach, 118.
League of Canadian Poets Anthology, 1997. Rehearsal For the Millennium.
Wayman, Wharton, eds. East of Main: An Anthology of Poems from East Vancouver. Vancouver: Pulp     Press, 1989. The Last Time I Saw Elvis, He Was Buying Disposable Razors, 95.
Pew, Roxborough, eds. Radiant danse uv being: A Poetic Portrait of bill bissett. a blewointment book.     Vancouver: Harbour Publishing, 2006. A Prayer for Our Sons, 69.


Scholarly and Journalism

Canadian Journal of Irish Studies10: 1, 1984. Value, Event, and the Autobiographical Act: Monk     Gibbon's The Brahms Waltz. 71-94.
Irish Literary Supplement, Volume 6, Number 2, 1 September 1987. Q&A: Monk Gibbon, 29.
Vancouver Sun, Globe and Mail, Kingston Whig-Standard Magazine.


Papers Presented

“The Ideology of a Classic: Sir Walter Scott and the ‘Classic’ Comic Book.”  International Conference on Sir Walter Scott and His Influence: Scott and Popular Culture, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1987.


“Surface is Substance: the Anti-Fiction of Monk Gibbon.”  American Committee for Irish Studies Annual Conference.  University of California at Santa Barbara, October 1986.


“Humanizing Irish Literary History: Monk Gibbon’s Skeffington and W.B. Yeats’ Markievicz.”  American Committee for Irish Studies Annual Conference, Boston, May, 1986.

Spoken Word Performance

Word Vancouver, Shadbolt Centre, Naniamo Public Library, First Person Singular, CBC This Morning; Vancouver: The Glass Slipper, The Mighty Niagara, Vancouver Press Club, Langara College; Langley School of Fine Arts; Galiano Island: Galiano Literary Festival, Gulf Islands Poetry Festival; Kenya: University of Nairobi.


Mars Variations.  Glenn Morris Studio, Fringe of Toronto, June 1993; Venue 3, Victoria Fringe Festival August, 1993  Writer, Producer, Performer.


Film credits

Move Out Clean (2010) HD  10 mins.  Short Drama.  Writer. Dir. Kelly-Ruth Mercier. Prod. Robyn Weiner Infinite Motion Pictures Inc.  
As a man struggles with the Herculean task of the move-out clean of his apartment in the wake of a failed relationship, he faces ghosts from his past and begins to believe he can win back his girlfriend.
       Awards:  Winner, MPPIA Short Film Competition, 2009. 2 Leos. 
       Festivals:  Whistler, 2010, VIFF, 2011. 
Pathway (2007) 16mm. 10 mins. Short Drama. Writer.  Dir. Alex Levine.  Prod. Lindsay Lecorre, Rod Ruel; Camera Obscura Productions Inc. Corus Entertainment. 
A dying woman faces a terrible truth and wonders if it's not too late to redeem her past.
       Awards:  Winner, Corus Entertainment/CFTPA Young Filmmakers Initiative
Hide (2005) HD to 35 mm. 10 mins.  Short drama.  Writer, Co-producer.
Dir. Byron Lamarque; Prod. Barbara Ann Schoemaker; Fast Productions.  
A game of hide-and-seek with her parents turns into a nightmare of abandonment for a three-year old girl.
           Awards: BC Arts Council Media Arts Award. 2 Leos.    
           Festivals: TIFF, 2005; VIFF, 2005; Whistler, 2005.  


Once Upon a Time on the Beach (2002) 16 mm. 11 mins.  Writer; Associate Producer. Dir: Byron Lamarque; Prod: Kelly-Ruth Mercier; Developing Pictures, Inc.
The darkly atmospheric story of a boy, bullied at school, whose thirst for revenge and desire to win back his mother's love lead him to a confrontation with the disturbing undercurrents of his own identity and the familial relationships that help to define him. 

           Awards: Winner DGC Kickstart Award. 1 Leo.
           Festivals: TIFF, 2002: VIFF, 2002; Edmonton 2003; Santa Barbara, 2003; iV Festival, Trivandrum, India, 2003
           Broadcasts: CBC TV: Canadian Reflections.
Still Life With Scissors (2001) 16mm, 10 mins.  Writer, Co-producer.    Dir: Byron Lamarque; Prod: Kelly-Ruth Mercier;     Developing Pictures Inc.
An exploration of grief, "Still Life, With Scissors" is a story about a reluctant coming-of-age and its     shattering effect on a young girl who has just lost her mother.
           Awards: Winner “2001: Fill-This-Space.” B.C. Film and CBC TV Screenwriting Competition.        
           Festivals: Edinburgh, 2002; Cork 2002. Women's Image Network Monthlies, LA, 2003
           Broadcasts: ZeD, 2002: CBC TV;  See BC on CBC, October, 2003.



M.F.A. University of British Columbia, 1997-2000
“Waving.”  Feature Screenplay.  Supervisor: Peggy Thompson


Ph.D. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 1978-83
“The Heart’s Apprehensions: Some Studies in the Work of Monk Gibbon.”  Supervisor: Professor Emeritus Norman H. Mackenzie


M.A. University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 1972-76 (1st Class Honours)


LL.B. University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 1969-72



1995-2015    Screenwriting Mentor, Gulf Islands Film and Television School (Course Design, Curriculum Development, Script Editing, Instruction)


2004    Sessional Lecturer, Department of Film, Theatre, and Creative Writing, University of British Columbia (Short Screenplay Workshop)


1994-1998   Reader, Telefilm Canada


1988-1996   Tutor, Business Writing, Certified General Accountancy Program, Vancouver. (Correspondence Marking and Tutoring)


1984-88    Sessional Lecturer, Department of English, University of British Columbia (Lecture courses and Seminars: Intermediate Composition; Literature and Composition, Technical Writing)


1981-82    Guest Lecturer, Department of English, Queen’s University (Lecture Courses and Seminars: English Composition, Introduction to Literature, Modern British Literature, Contemporary Literature)


1978-83    Teaching Assistant, Department of English, Queen’s University


Related Experience

2020-        President, Galiano Island Literary Festival 
2019-2022    Director, Gulf Islands Galisle Affordable Rental Society
2019-2022    Director, Galiano Affordable Living Initiative Society
2005-2015    Volunteer: A Loving Spoonful
1998        Executive Producer Ross Taggart & Co. (CD) Boathouse Records
1990-94    Producer and Director, Gulf Islands Poetry Festival
1991-92    Galiano Representative, Gulf Islands Community Arts Council
1985-86    Sessional Representative, Academic Consultative Committee, University of British Columbia
1981-83    President, Graduate English Society, Queen’s University


Scholarships and Awards

2017    First Place, ScriptFest Feature Screenplay, Screenwriting Competition: Special Needs
2012    Winner, Praxis Feature Screenwriting Competition: Change of Occupation
2010     First Place, The Writer's Place Feature Screenplay Competition: Uncanny
2001    Winner, Fill This Space Odyssey Screenwriting Competition: Still Life With Scissors
2000    3rd prize, BC Federation of Writers Creative Non-Fiction Competition
1998    Jake Zilber Scholarship: University of British Columbia
1996    Runner-up, League of Canadian Poets National Poetry Competition
1981-82    Queen’s University Research Fellowship
1978-83    Commonwealth Scholarship
1978    University of Aberdeen: Senatus Prize in English Literature
1978    University of Aberdeen: Minto Memorial Prize

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